About Us

We offer the ideas that raise your investment above the expected income.

About US


Welcome to the website of Primebitsafe - a young but very promising company that boldly gains the trust of investors from around the world! Our friendly and customer-oriented team is ready to make you an amazing offer of quick moneymaking. If you are familiar with the concepts of Forex and stock trading, you will undoubtedly be able to appreciate our work and its results. During the last decade, trading on Forex firmly has taken its place in our lives. We are engaged in business, the foundations of which we have thoroughly studied and clearly understand. Many years of experimentation experience, the use of new trading methods and instruments, the emergence of cryptocurrency as a new tool - all this left its mark.

From the moment when we have decided to develop direction of trust management Primebitsafe has entered a new stage. We are always grateful to all our customers for the trust you have given us when you have opened an account on our website and make your first deposit. We see our mission in unlocking the potential of our professional traders and to ensure equal access to high-quality investment services to professional and novice investors worldwide. We are always open to dialogue and ready to provide you the most complete information about Primebitsafe, the work of our trading team and Forex market in general. Your trust is the main value of the company, therefore, in any situation you can count on the loyalty, objectivity and attentive service from all our employees. For our traders we never set the task to get the maximum profit through thick and thin. It is more important for us the safety of clients' funds. Given that for trade we mainly use the money of our investors, we understand the degree of responsibility that we bear.

About our company

What we do

Our company is engaged in investing in gold coins, metal bills.

What we do

Such a method of investing is devoid of the risk of capital loss, since gold will never depreciate completely, as is the case, for example, with stocks. In addition, the best industry analysts predict a steady increase in the price of gold in 2020–2021. There is a positive growth trend in the value of this precious metal: in early 2016, an ounce cost a little more than $ 1050, in July 2018 - $ 1220, and in October 2019 it is estimated at $ 1,500. Thus, in just over 3 years, your investment in a noble metal would bring you almost 50% of the income.

However, primebitsafe is not limited to buying / selling “gold assets” (including gold trading in the Forex market) and is directly involved in the process of their extraction from gold ores in Russia, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and China. An appropriate license and all necessary permits have been obtained.

UK Registered Company

primebitsafe is a fully registered and licensed company in UK. primebitsafe is powered by the latest and most secure form of SSL data encryption to keep all your data and information safe and secure.


Official Registered Company